Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(FREE) Brainwashed

"Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy what they don't really need."  ~Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club)
I found this quote to be quite true. If you think about it many people in the current generation really do work jobs just so they can get money for stuff we don't need. Our past generations have done the same and future generations will probably too. And its all because the media. Commercials make us think we need all these unneeded items. You see things on billboards, television, things you can't afford but one day you think you will. People end up working shitty jobs where they sit in a cubicle all day typing numbers in to computers. I don't think I could ever live that way. Some people enjoy losing themselves in mazes of cubicles working a job they hate. We've been brainwashed to follow this system so we can pay our taxes, debts, raise a family, retire early. Its like we've became enslaved to the media.

My parents expect me to have a job to become like a dentist or something along those lines. I'd hate to be dentist even though it'd be a great paying job. I'd never want to pursue a career I don't like. Even though I'd love to have money to buy  things I don't need. Which makes me realize I do like to buy things I don't need. But I'd never take that to the extent where I would have to work jobs late night shifts to buy some fancy new car. I don't really exaclty know what I want to be when I grow up. I just know it won't be something I hate.


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