Thursday, October 20, 2011

(RE) Hard Work

Yes once again I'm doing a response post about Ben's free post. I just felt like writing about my sports life again. And I'd have to strongly agree with Ben. There's so many questions an athlete asks him/herself. I always ask myself these questions. I'm not that great of an athlete at all. But I try as hard as I can. Since I started High school water polo last year I've gotten really into it. I'm definitely not the best player on the team and maybe the one who has a lot to work on but I haven't given up. Even though I haven't gotten as good as I wanted to this year my teammates and I pull through this year. Without them and my coaches I definitely wouldn't have the motivation to keep getting better. 
I've gotten a lot better since last year and my team together we have especially. We all motivate each other to put in a lot of dedication to our sport. Our hard work payed off and we became undefeated this season. There were many games in the season where I totally sucked ass and barely contributed to anything and times where I would just want to give up. I even asked myself why do I even play if I suck so much? I realized its cause polo has really become a big part of my life. Even if I'm not the kid who's scoring all the time. I just know if I try my best I'll have fun.
 Today was our last game against Pinole and it was my final chance to try to score. I was so determined and my team were all ready for me to finally score. With hard work and determination I got what I wanted. My teammates really worked hard this game and got a good lead against Pinole. There were so many moments in the game where I was so close to scoring. I got the opportunity to take a free shot at the goalie but the pressure kind of got to me. After playing almost the whole game I was taken out depressed and beat up. I missed so many opportunities but my teammates kept motivating me. My coach put me in again the last quarter with a few minutes left. With the help of my teammates and two years of waiting for this moment to score, I took a no look shot at the goalie and scored. The crowd filled with varsity teammates and friends all cheered for me. My teammates all went wild for me. It was like a scene from a movie. I finally got what I worked so hard for. It might be kind of embarrassing not scoring from two years of water polo until my last game. But I'm kind of glad I scored the last game, last quarter and last few minutes. This will for sure be a moment I'll remember for a long time. 

1 comment:

  1. Very cool story. It's nice that your coaches and teammates have given you so much support to get you to the point you're at now!

    The way you set this story up had good details, and good "suspense," you might call it. I like how you approached the story by talking about the background of your athletics first, then talking about your "low point," and then building it up at the end to the "movie scene moment." Fun to read!
