Tuesday, October 11, 2011

(FREE) We have nothing

Think about the animals used in product testing. Think about the monkeys shot into space. "Without their death, their pain, without their sacrifice", Tyler says, "we would have nothing."-Tyler Durden (Fight Club)
It's kind of sad how true this quote is. If you really think about it we would have nothing without animals and the environment. People would not have gotten anywhere without sacrificing the lives of unwilling test subjects.
The breakthrough of cure's for diseases, and preventing from happening would have not happened if we didn't have animals. Yet what do we give animals in return? We give them less land, less of a natural habitat, we kill them, we eat them, and use them for our own needs. You can't disagree that we have benefited a lot off of the sacrifice of animals. We've become so self minded that we don't even realize that tons of animals are now going extinct because of us.

Take for example, humans used monkeys, rats, mice, all types of animals in space and many of them were put into great danger. Animals have no say into what they want to do, I'm sure the were all forced to be sent out into space. We use animals for product testing even when we know it's wrong. Animals are unwilling used for testing for cosmetics, soap, shampoo and a bunch of another everyday products we use. People are so self centered for the safety of humans but they aren't thinking about the life's of the animals we're killing and torturing. I'm sure there won't be an end to the use of animals for testing. I just think lots of people don't realize how selfish we've become. Without the suffering of animals, we would have nothing.

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