Friday, October 7, 2011

(RE) Music

 "It seems nowadays all music is about sex, money, drugs."
Justin wrote about how music influences people and how the music industry has kind of changed for the worst. I feel the same way about music nowadays. Music on the radio is complete trash in my opinion. You hear artists auto tuning their voices rapping or singing about how they beat that pussy or how they invented sex. I think music is a type of art and a way people express themselves. I don't think what a lot of music now a days is a art anymore. Music artists that mainly rap about getting high all the time is really getting overdone. I'm tired of hearing songs about rolling weed and fucking getting high. I'm not necessarily saying expressing what you like  but people are really getting influenced by that. People are getting influenced into thinking drugs are the cool thing to do. Drugs can get you into serious problems. It isn't just the music industries fault but also the persons stupid decisions.
"The music industry does this because it makes them $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"
 I dislike where the music industry is going. Its all about money and not really about the art. If you listen to the radio you hear the same damn song about getting money and bitches 50 times. Music artists Record labels usually pay radio stations to get that same trashy song on the radio so they get mainstream. I'm not saying all mainstream artists are sellouts but a lot of them are. Musical artists sometimes are forced to change their music just to make money for their Record deal. Music is becoming less of an art and more of a business.

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