Friday, October 14, 2011

(CE) Death toll rises in Somalia

In Somalia's capital Mogadishu 15 out 10,000 children are dying from the famine and drought. The UN are there to help the starving people but it looks like they're helping out much. Tons of people seem to still be starving and are living in plastic shelters trying to get food. The whole area looks like a scene from District 9! It's horrible to see people trying to survive and feed their families in these type of conditions. Floods are also a problem in the area where thousands of people are sheltering. People are caught in the flood in the middle of floods and some children have drowned. Many food charities are trying to help this crisis but they can't get around to all the people fast enough.

It's awful to see people in situations like this where as in the United States food is plentiful. I don't see why we can't help countries in need rather than going to countries and starting wars. We go around helping countries like North Korea when they had their famine so I think we should help out Somalia. If no one decides to help the people camping out in Somalia's capital then this situation will probably only get worse. I wonder what's has Somalia's government been doing about this situation. They really should start tending to the people as much as they can. We're foturnate enough to always feed ourselves where countries like Somalia could use some help. Everyone could lose a few pounds in the states anyway. I find it ridiculous how we're having an obesity epidemic while other countries don't have food to have one meal a day. It goes to show how selfish we come off as to other countries.

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