Tuesday, October 4, 2011

(FREE) Time

Sleep. That's pretty much all that I can think of to write about.. I feel so sleep deprived. The only thing that keeps me sleeping at night is the awful morning workouts I have for water polo. Every night it feels like a burden to try to sleep. My eye bags are getting heavier and darker. I feel like the chracter from Fight Club which the is book I'm reading for English. The main narrator has an insomnia problem that kept him up for about 6 month but eventually he found his cure to insomnia. I guess you could say Water Polo is my cure to my insomnia.

For the last half of summer I felt restless. I couldn't fall asleep and I had nothing to keep me busy during the day. I'm actually kind of glad school started since in the summer I never felt tired and usually fell asleep for an hour during sunrise. Now that school started I'm always tired as hell but at least it allows me to sleep well at night. It takes up all the time unlike during the summer where I would just waste whole days watching movies alone in my bedroom. I'm not necessarily saying that's a bad thing but its not really productive. Having busy weeks are also quite awful. School and water polo have consumed up all my time during the week and sometimes the weekend. The rain has gotten a bunch of players sick on the team. I hope I don't end up sick. I'm already tired and sore, if I were to get sick I'd feel even worse. There's just some days where I just want time to myself or just sleep. I'm happy as fuck we get three day break.

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