Thursday, September 29, 2011

(ESSAY) Morale Philosophy

Humans are all unique and different. We all have attributes and genetic attributes that set us apart from each other. But what is the definitve characteristic of humanity? I believe that chracteristic that keeps us human and apart from each other is ethics and morality. From the day we were born we learn what's right and wrong. As we get older we start living by our own philosophy. In early ages of humanity people were taught what their religion wanted to think what was right and wrong. Peoples different point of views has kept humanity constantly at war.  Moral philosophy has kept concepts of "good" and "evil" for humanity. The way we can judge people, situations and ideas makes me think that ethics is the definitive charateristic of humanity. There are different ethics all over the world that people live by provided by their culture, ethnicity, religion and government. If humanity was without ethics we'd all be mad and uncivilized.There would be nothing to set us apart from animals.

People have ethics which keep us apart from animals. We are more civilized and have more reason than animals. For example a lion doesn't know right from wrong when they kill a gazelle that could have been a baby. But humans know its wrong to kill a child and feel guilt after. If we lived like animals we wouldn't have structure and people would not have control over each other. In the animal kingdom the animals don't have ethics and do whatever they want. Being an animal isn't like the movie Lion King. When do you ever see lion's hanging out with baboons or meerkats. In real life the lion would be eating everything alive since they don't care what's the right thing to do. They just want to survive. Since we evolved from being animals we learned a way to think. We developed a morale philosophy which many people live by. We don't want unethical people running around who act like animals and don't know from right and wrong. A person without ethics is considered a wild  monster in society. People who are considered unethical are usually sent to prison or killed. Sometimes when a person who is considered a monster is killed some people still find the way they are executed to be unethical but that is an off topic debate I don't need to talk about. Ethic's has helped humanity structure itself and made people more controlled than animals are.

Religion is a big part of people's everyday living. It's become such a big deal to some people in effect's their morale philosophy. It provides a morale structure for many people. Many religion's ethics are tied closely to humanity's ethics. Religion make's people think if they don't do the right thing that their God want's them to do they won't live a good life or after life. For instance people who believe in Christianity live by the bible and practice what they preach. If they don't listen to their god it is wrong but if they are committed to their God they are doing good. In my opinion I don't believe human ethics and religious ethics should be tied so close together. It could corrupt many people's minds and prevent people from allowing themselves to live by their own ethics.

Another concept of ethics people live by is justice and crime. Since laws were made in the Greek era people had to follow rules and live by them. Ever since that people had to live by the law and adjust to the system. Basically a government to keep things in order. There is still is justice and crime but what really is justice is whatever that person wants to think. People may have different views on whats justice and crime. Take for a example  vigilante, is what that person doing right or wrong? In some cases people would say its crime but in others people call it justice. It is all in the point of view of the people. Another example is what our government is doing in the middle east. By invading their country and fighting against local militia is what we're doing a crime or justice? In some point of views we are just slaughtering people and in the other point of view we are trying to help. People who join the army decide what they are doing is right and is justice.

I've been talking a lot about how the world lives by ethics. But what if our world didn't have ethics and morality? People would be running around crazy and  mad in an uncivilized world where no one would know their right from wrongs. Humanity wouldn't be able to function. In many people's minds ethics isn't always what everyone else thinks is right. It's about what you think is right for you to move forward. An unethical world would have constant war and insanity. Any rational human being trying to live in a world where everyone cheats their way through to power would probably not survive.

Morality and ethics are a huge part of humanity. Without it the world would just be filled with animals and without human structure. Great civilizations wouldn't have been made, many ideas wouldn't have existed, and the history of the world could have not existed. Ethics and morality definitely is the definitive characteristic of humanity in my opinion. We would be no different than animals, society would just be survival of the fittest. Who knows, if humans were unethical we probably could barely think and all still be cavemen. I'd like to conclude my essay with this quotes about ethics.
 "A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world" - Albert Camus

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