Thursday, September 8, 2011

(CE) No Mosque?

Even though this video is a year old I think it is still relevant to our 9/11 situation now. It’s been ten years since the 9/11 terrorist attack. In this video they talk about how a mosque is being made near ground zero but it’s being prevented because of US citizen protestors. This type of ignorance against religion is sickening to me. These protestors are just making themselves look ignorant and stupid to realize how being Muslim is just the same as being Christian or catholic and so on.
It has been a ten years since 9/11 and some people still have the mindset of if he or she is Muslim they are probably promoting terrorism or something. There are plenty of good examples in this video that a Muslim person is the same as anyone who practices their religion. Isn’t our country about freedom anyways? People have the right of freedom of religion and shouldn’t be attempted to be brought down because of it. The fire fighter in the video who even answered the call to help on 9/11 is Muslim. This should make it clear to the ignorant people against the Muslim religion that it shouldn’t be a problem. He also had stated that “It says it in the Quran, a good Muslim is just as equal as a good Christian...”

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