Thursday, September 15, 2011

(RE) Insecure

“Words like these seem to constantly repeat in our minds: become stronger, become skinnier, eat less, wear more make up... because if you don’t, you will not be considered beautiful/handsome or you won't be accepted by your peers.”
               I completely agree with Casandra's post about how the media has changed the way people think. People are completely absorbed with materialistic lifestyles now. They all have the mindset of oh you have to buy this to be that or you have to wear this to fit in. I’m not saying having a sense a style is a bad thing but over doing it and saying you HAVE to have this is a complete waste. The media has some people so sucked into you have to skinny to be beautiful which has a lot of girls thinking they’ll never be as some photo shopped bitch on a cover of some dumbass magazine. At a young age girls are pressured to be skinny because of magazine ads and models on magazine covers. It’s even gotten some girls to think that being super skinny is what everyone wants which isn’t true. Another thing the media has done to girls is that they made girls think they have to wear makeup. I’m not saying that wearing makeup is bad but to the point where the girl cakes on that powder because she feels insecure without it is ridiculous. The media has totally mind fucked girls to feel insecure about their looks.
               The media hasn’t only gotten girls insecure about their looks but it’s also guys. It’s all about muscle toning now or if you have a good sense of style. Guys are sucked into thinking they need to be buff and shit to get the ladies. I’m not saying working out is a bad thing but some people get so pressured into working out they end up taking illegal drugs like steroids just to get where they want faster. But it isn’t just the media that has people feeling insecure about their looks. It’s that feeling that you’re going to be judged on how you look by your peers. I’ll be honest I’ve felt pressured into getting sports just because I didn’t want to be a scrawny little Asian kid anymore. I got sick and tired of being called scrawny. Even to this day I’m still bothered being teased and called scrawny but I try not to let it get to my head as much anymore. All this media and peer pressure bullshit is all in peoples head. You just can’t let that shit stress you or it could even kill you. 

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