Thursday, September 15, 2011

(CE) It's just business.

“…given how easily it has been discovered that many of these companies have been supplying equipment to countries which used them against their own populations during the Arab Spring.”

Recently in the UK there had been one of the largest arm fairs. Information that the reporter shares tells that many of the companies had sold them to countries that use them against their own people. Some companies even were asked by the British government to supply Libya with arms. All these weapons are sold to murderous regimes that the countries use against their people. I don’t understand why the hell the companies would supply and basically support those corrupt countries. The British government knows where the weapons are going but to keep a good business they continue to sell them to places like Libya and Saudi Arabia.

Outside of the arms fair were protestors who have been against the military international complex for selling weapons to people like Gaddafi. I strongly agree with the protestors that selling arms to those countries is just wrong. The British senior defense minister backed up the arms companies in case they were nervous to keep selling their supplies. The British government is basically supporting these innocent killing regimes. If the British are reassuring these weapons get sold then they have to be the dumbest fucks in the world. How could you let all those innocent civilians in Libya get killed by weapons they supplied to the governments that are using them against their people? This shows how the international business works and how fucked up it is.


  1. Quick trivia question: Who's the largest arms dealer in the world?

    I'm glad you posted about this to shed some light on the issue. Never forget: Wars happen to make money...and one of many ways money gets made off war is of course through the weapons themselves!

  2. Uhm lemme it AMERICA? specifically the unitied states?

  3. 50 points for Cody. I believe you are correct.

  4. Do I really get 50 points? :D.....
