Friday, September 9, 2011

(FREE) Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?...

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is by far the best movie ever made in my opinion. It was written and directed by John Hughes who also made The Breakfast Club another one of my favorite movies. The movie starts out with Ferris Bueller a senior in high school who decides to take a day off since it was such a nice day in Chicago. The slick Ferris Bueller eventually gets his girlfriend Sloane Peterson and best friend Cameron Frye to join him on his school skipping adventure around Chicago.
You’re probably wondering why I would love a movie that’s a decade older than me. I think the classics are the best and Ferris Bueller is the greatest of all. There is plenty of humor and the insane risks that Ferris takes throughout the movie keeps you on the edge of your seat. At times I wish I could be as daring and insane as Ferris Bueller. For example Ferris faked having a serious illness tricking the school into thinking he was dying which led them into creating a fund raiser called "Save Ferris".
The movie isn’t all about three kids causing trouble when they should be in school. It’s a great movie to bring up your mood. I think John Hughes is basically showing through the movie how you shouldn’t be afraid to do anything or have a good time. Ferris basically symbolizes a person who isn’t afraid to do anything and lives life to the fullest. While his best friend Cameron symbolizes a person who is scared to take risks, have fun or stand up for themselves. After the movie progresses Cameron finally conquers his weakness of not being able to take a risk and stand up for himself. So what I think this movie is trying to say is you shouldn’t just be sitting your ass down at home doing nothing wasting your life while you could be doing something fun and worthwhile. Basically enjoy your life to the fullest and take risks. I’ll end this free write with one of my favorite quotes.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop around and look once and a while. You could miss it.”-Ferris Bueller


  1. This is indeed a good movie, and very funny.

    Small thing...some of the sentences in the middle of this post are kind of unclear and look like several sentences jumbled together or something. Read it back aloud to yourself and find the ones I'm talking about...then fix 'em! :)

  2. I revised my middle paragraph! I hope its good now.
