Monday, September 19, 2011

(FREE) Exhaustion

It’s been a long shitty day. After a drawn out day at school in the blistering hot weather I already felt exhausted. Then right after school I was sort of excited to hop into the pool for water polo practice even though I felt tired. For some odd reason I pushed myself pretty hard at the end of practice and I have no idea. I know regret my idiotic decision. Now here I am, unwillingly trying to get my weekly posts out of the way. My eyes are droopy and blurry from the large amounts of chlorine they pour into our school pool. I feel tired as fuck.
                I really have nothing to talk about today. No ideas have been lingering around my mind. I can barely make out the words I am typing with my horrible vision. My mind and body are worn out from regular days of school and practice. I have no idea how I’m going to survive waking up for water polo morning practices when I start next week. And to add more excitement for this extravagant week I have back to back games on Wednesday and Thursday against American High and Piedmont High. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. You could say I’m excited but trying to get my homework done after the games is going to blow big time. I’m trying to vomit out words like what Mr. Sutherland taught us in class with our quick writes. So basically this is a bullshit post but at least I’m writing something. Oh look at that, I passed the required word limit finally. 


  1. Practicing the quickwrite trick is all well and good...but if you are not in a mood to write anything you care about, then you probably shouldn't. Good rule of thumb: if you think that you yourself would go back over this post later and say, "This doesn't serve much purpose," then take a break and write something else when you feel better. Hope you wake up soon...

  2. Does that mean this doesnt count as a free post? LOL?

