Friday, September 9, 2011

(RE) What future?

"Where do you see yourself in ten years from now?" This question is constantly asked and I honestly never have an answer.

This is from my best friend Peter’s blog and in his free write he talked about how he has been thinking about where he will be ten years from now. I totally agree about never having a legit honest answer to these types of questions. People always ask “So what are you going to do when you grow up?” and usually I haven’t really thought about that. Nothing really sparks interest into me. Now that I’m in high school I guess I should really think about my future since college is only 3 years away for me. It’s actually kind of scary to think about how in 10 years we aren’t going to be carefree teenagers anymore.

Parents always tell you to think about your future and I always tell myself that I have a long while to care about the future. But now is the time to actually think about my future. I do know I want to go to a good college to make my parents proud. The only problem is, what do I want to do after that? I have to agree with Peter and the stereotypical Asian parents wanting you to get that “real” job. To them that’s usually whatever the most stable and best paying job is. I know that they only always say that is because they want the best future for us but it is our duty to figure out what we want to do with our future. I’ve spent a good thirty minutes thinking about what I’d want to do in the future while writing this. I’ll be honest, I have no idea.