Tuesday, September 20, 2011

(BC) Laughter in the Dark

He falls into the room after being pushed. The door slams shut. Darkness consumes the room. In a panic the boy tries to open the door pulling as hard as he can. He realizes he has to find another way out. A stale smell of air fills the house that was probably abandoned decades ago. With each step he takes the floor creaks feeling as if it could collapse any second. Sweat drips down his face. He breathes harder in panic. His heart beats faster than a Kenyan sprinter. The fear of never finding a way out enters his mind which makes him pour into tears. Eerie creaking noises fill the house. He feels as if he isn’t alone. He can hear laughter from his so called friends outside of the house. His body collapses from all the anxiety onto the dust filled floor. Lying on the ground he brings himself together and gathers the courage to find a way out.

Determined the boy continues to slowly navigate through the house. Running his hands over any surface he could find the boy comes across a stair case that leads up. Hoping to find a way out from above he takes his first step. His foot presses against the wooden step cracking the wood. His foot almost falls into the termite infested wood but he runs as fast as he can up. As he reaches the top, the final step collapses causing him to fall into a whole. Screaming the boy grabs the metal railing of the stair case. His hands become extremely sweaty as he looks down the whole in which he is hovering above. He can see nothing but darkness but in his mind it looks like an endless drop into hell. Using all of his strength he climbs onto the second floor of the house. He brushes the dust off of his clothes. As he looks up he notices a small crack allowing light to peak through. He gives off a sigh of relief and rushes towards the crack down a hallway.

The small light had come from a slightly opened door. The door had been rusted and screeches as the boy tries to pry open the door. The room was filled with mold and cobwebs. Across the room he finds a window awaiting his escape. But before he could leave he examined the room. He assumed the room had been the owners’ daughter. The walls were covered in faded floral wallpaper. Many of the belongings had been left behind. Old creepy dolls were left on the shelves, books, a bed, and next to it a large cracked mirror. The boy went towards to mirror and found an old medium sized chest. Out of curiosity he tries opening the chest. He smells a horrid odor seeping through the small’s cracks of the chest. In fear he avoids opening the chest and then realizes blood stains on the bed sheets. Scared out of his mind he sprints towards the window to only find out the windows have metal bars. His thought of finally finding a way out was crushed. Bawling in tears the boy becomes distraught.

A sound of laughter fills the room. But this time it wasn’t the sound of little boys outside of the house. The sound had come from inside. His muscles become tense. Frightened and confused the boy yells out “Who’s there?” and gets no response. Again he becomes curious and remembers he has to again find a way out of this hell. Gradually the darkness consumes him as he walks into the darkness again. After being in the light his eyes haven’t adjusted to the darkness. He grazes his hand against the hallway door hoping to find a doorway or anything leading him out. Again he hears laughter and freezes in place. A cold chill brushes his skin. A cold sweat drops into his lower back which causes him to shiver. The girl’s voice then echoes across the hall saying “Over here”. He follows the voice hoping it would lead him into a way out. As he follows from where he heard the sound he comes across a door knob. He notices that light had also been peaking from under the door. An even brighter light enters the hallway which also blinds him. Slowly examining the room he notices a opened door. “Finally”, he says to himself and returns to the outside world.

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