Thursday, September 22, 2011

(RE) Don't be a liar

“BE HONEST. It's the best trait around.”
 It isn’t very hard to be an honest person. But lots of people choose to lie all the time in their life. My friend Justin talks about how be honest is always better than lying. I totally agree with him even though some people would disagree. Some people allow themselves to lie to people just to get that person to like them. Lying is usually never the best choice and karma could come right back at you. No one likes a compulsive liar. Someone who continues to lie all the time people will usually to start seeing the fake said of them. Even though being totally honest could be blunt and rude it’s the right thing to do. Lying is just going to hurt you and the person you lied to.
Being honest isn’t that hard. But even those in those situations where you think lying would be the best choice and think about it before it could make the situation worse. Sometimes being honest could be difficult and blunt but in the end it’s the best choice. Lying could lead a person into something wrong and it becomes your fault. To be honest I’ve lied a lot of times but I’d like to say I’m getting better at being honest. I’ve lied in some serious situations and I paid the consequences but like Justin said we all make mistakes and we learn from that. No one likes a liar.

1 comment:

  1. I. Hate. Liars. I mean, I honestly do try my best not to lie, yakno? And I think I am improving. But for a lot of people, its just become a habit to them and its hard to stop. And what sucks is when they're so far in and they just can't help but blurt the lies out. So bad. Ugh. But that's their life, lol. Good post though, keep it up.
