Wednesday, September 14, 2011

(FREE) Crude Humor

So I’ve just recently started reading the average American male: a novel and so far I’d like to say that the main character or nameless narrator is a total man whore. I hope this topic is appropriate for my class blog. Oh whatever I don’t care I’m reading this book for the class anyways. Surprisingly the first chapter starts with the narrator describing a fat old lady eating a cup of yogurt at the Chicago international airport. I found it quite amusing and hilarious which others would probably think it was incredibly vulgar. This guy talks about having sex on the daily and masturbates way too much. From what I’ve read so far no matter what age the woman is this guy will rate you and create a mental image of the woman well naked and what not. The main character is basically a sex-obsessed douchebag.

The main character is supposed to portray an average American male. Well I sure hope this doesn’t apply to all American males. Even though I’m pretty sure there are plenty of men just like this asshole. He is a pretty entertaining guy for an asshole though. I’ve only read a couple chapters and I find his commentary quite hilarious. The main characters days so far basically consists of playing video games, watching TV, masturbating, and sex. What a fucking bum. I hope I don’t turn out like that. Oh and he treats his girlfriend like shit. Well she isn’t that great sounding the way he describes her anyways. I just hope all the sexual humor doesn’t get old and his life actually gets interesting.


  1. LOL definitely not reading this when i get it back

  2. lol, I hope that guys don't turn out like that either..
